Trademarks are words, symbol or design, slogans, shapes, name, signature, etc (or any combination of these) which distinguish the goods or services of the owner from those of others in the marketplace. Trademarks are product identifiers and therefore registering a trademark is an important step in a business. A registered trademark provides you with legal ownership in countries where you retain exclusive right to use your trademark on your goods or services. Similar to any other form of IP right, a trademark is a business asset that adds value to your business. Trademarks can be sold or licensed to others.
At PRO IP, we recognise the importance of how you brand your products or services and equally important is the need to protect this branding by getting it trademarked. Trademarks are of immense commercial and they need to be protected in a fast changing competitive market. Pro IP provides extensive trademark services, ranging from advice on use of trademarks to registration, to ensure total protection. The Pro IP team and its international associates have vast experience in handling trademark portfolios for institutional clients in various sectors of industries ranging from consumer goods and services to construction and engineering, from food and beverages to fashion and pharmaceuticals.
The services provided by our trade mark team include:
- domestic and international trademark availability searches,
- assessment of trademark registrability, analysis and assessment of risk of proposed new marks,
- filing of trademark application up to registration and renewal services,
- recordal of assignments and licenses,
- attending to objections and opposition hearings before the registrar, trademark watching services, and
- labelling, packaging and advertising advice.